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Dress To Impress (Tuesday)

Roblox Classes. Dress To Impress on Roblox

Dress To Impress is a fun and engaging fashion design simulator that lets your kids unleash their creativity in new and exciting ways. Together, we’ll explore what it takes to become a Top Model, designing our outfits from hairstyles and makeup to carefully selected accessories. My students and I will participate in themed rounds and strut our creations down the runway. We’ll cheer each other on and inspire one another to express our inner fashion designers!

While Dress To Impress is a competitive game, it’s also a fantastic opportunity to learn the power of encouragement and teamwork, even in the face of rivalry. We’ll build team spirit together, ensuring no one is left behind!

Roblox Let’s Play Classes are about learning essential skills through play. It’s also about fun, engagement, socialisation with like-minded people, building friendships and cognitive skills.

At BrainySpinach Maths we understand how crucial play and fun are for learning and that’s why this class was created. We strive to provide a safe online environment and turn learning into a whimsical adventure, a fantasy journey or even a fairytale.

#1 Your child will need a Roblox account to participate in the Roblox Let’s Play Class. Please set up a Roblox account for your child in advance. To do this, follow the Roblox account set-up guide. It is also recommended to read the safety guide on Roblox.

I highly recommend you read the set-up guide, so you can add my profile and join the group on Roblox. This will let me send all the Robux your child earns, and know which devices are best to use!

If you’re facing Roblox set-up challenges or technical difficulties, don’t hesitate to join my free Tech Help sessions.

Home educated children as well as school pupils aged 5 to 12 who love Roblox and video games. If you have an eager Robloxian at home who is ready to embark on a unique journey of fun learning then this is the right place for you!

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Your Instructor

Jon Wilde

Roblox Maths Educator

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